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The Assembly Line is Dead: Custom Manufacturing is the Future

factory floor assembly line

The manufacturing industry is experiencing a radical shift from the mass production of near-identical products in the early days of Henry Ford. Rather than having “a car painted any colour that he wants, so long as it is black,” today, people want to have products that are unique and reflect their personal tastes.

Humanoid Robots Are Becoming More Like Ninjas (and What This Could Mean for Us)

screenshot of a robot walking

You may have seen walking humanoid robots before, such as Honda’s ASIMO robot or Boston Dynamic’s Atlas. But with the latest developments in technology, today’s humanoid robots can do more than walk and pick up boxes—they can also perform backflips. Below is a viral video of a robot doing a backflip on YouTube:

Global Industrial Automation Market to Reach $179.3 Billion by 2025

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The automation industry is growing at a rapid pace, with the market predicted to expand even more so, within the next 10 years. As industries move toward and implement processes that align with robotics, automation is the clear way of the future. Industrial automation enables businesses to streamline their manufacturing and operation processes with accuracy and speed.

Demand increase for energy-efficient system leads to growing need for the automation

stylized image of a city skyline

Robotics and automation can seem inaccessible at times to the vast majority of the population. There is this illusion that it is kept separate from everyday people and limited to science labs or high-tech industries. This is not the case though, and there are a number of companies working on products that will bring automation to your own home. They are hoping to revolutionize the way people relate to their homes and make living more convenient and efficient for everyone.

Will automated cars save time, money and lives in the near future?

Autonomous Car

When people think of automation and robotics they often assume that it is out-of-sight and operating in a lab or warehouse far away. But the truth is that they might be coming to your streets very soon. Self driving cars sound like something straight out of a science fiction novel to most people, but these machines will most likely be on the roads within the next couple years.

Density of Robot Use in Manufacturing Automation Continues to Climb!

Image of plant with high number of assembly robots

The future has arrived for the manufacturing industry and how they will continue to operate thanks to the advancements in technology. The robotics takeover of the manufacturing industry has long been accepted as inevitable. People have been discussing the replacement of manual labour for decades, but it is only now seeming like a reality more than a fantasy of the distant future.

Industrial Automation Finally Available to Small Scale Manufacturing

Automotive Robot

There has been a lot of talk surrounding the topic of robotics and automation in manufacturing for the past number of years, if not decades. This subject has now become a reality since the beginning of the twenty-first century, but for most of that time robots were limited to large scale manufacturing operations. Those who were able to afford automated machines benefited from it increasing the gap between them and smaller companies.